Guest posting is a great way to share your views, ideas, and tips with like-minded people and a fantastic way to promote your own blog, products, or social media profiles.

Here at Optimistic Blog,  we actively welcome your guest posting submissions and would love to publish content from our loyal readers and guest authors.

We do have a few rules but if you meet the below criteria, please feel free to contact and publish to the Optimistic blog.

  • The article must be UNIQUE, which means the article should not have been published anywhere else in the past, and should not be published anywhere else in the future.
  • The article should be 600 – 2000 words
  • The article must be relevant to the blog.
  • You may include one link back to your website, blog, or social media profile within the blog post and you may include one more link within your author byline.
  • All images should be original, licensed, or public domain. (No copyright infringement please)
  • We check with Copyscape and Google before we publish!
  • The blog or website you link to must be related to the topic of your guest post.
  • It is good guest posting practice to promote your submission once it goes live via social media channels. We also encourage you to interact with any comments that are left on your guest submission.
  • We reserve the right to reject any article. In some cases, we may make small alterations to the content and formatting of the article but will never make wholesale changes. If your article is rejected because it does not meet our high standards you may re-use your content for other purposes.

If you agree to accept the above conditions and are ready to submit your guest post then please send your content to we will review it and get back to you at our earliest possible.